All Episodes

June 9, 2022 37 mins

Nia Moore joins Tori and Aneesa to discuss coming into this season with Jordan, how The Challenge continued to affect her life even after the cameras stopped rolling, and her paddle boarding skills.

Catch all new episodes of The Challenge: All Stars on Paramount+, and we'll see you here next Thursday for an all new episode of MTV's Official Challenge Podcast. 

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
What's up, guys. It's story and I'm Anissa and this
is MTV's official Challenge podcast. And today we have Niamore
on the podcast and we talked to her about what
it's like to be back on the Challenge. We talk
about Jordan, her paddle boarding skills or lack thereof. Lack thereof, Yeah,
I mean it was amazing. I mean we get into
it all. Yeah, I mean she does circles around us.

It's amazing. So let's get into this interview with Naya. Yes, okay, folks,
you haven't seen this lady in quite a while. Battle
of the Excess Too was her last appearance, but now

we have the pleasure of seeing her grace our screens.
Please welcome Nyamore. Thank you ladies for having me. I
cannot believe them back. I mean this is really insane,
but I can't. I can't believer back too. I mean,
how do you how do you feel it's real? Because

I mean I tweeted as like, guys stopped asking me,
I'm never going back. I didn't have a desire to
go back. I didn't expect an invite to come back.
And I'm just a firm believer now that never say never,
because it has piven to be true in this moment,
and I'm back, But I do think that the timing
is appropriate. I'm a different personnel, and I think that

I enjoyed it for what it was, like this beautiful
opportunity that you guys have probably appreciated the entire time
you've been doing it. I didn't appreciate it or understand
it back then, but now it's like I'm playing the
game differently and like having fun with it. I'm still
a nervous, terrified wreck all the time. Or you tell
I'm heavier, bad knees, I'm washed up, but how do

my god, I don't know about washed up, but our
bodies do go through some shit. I don't remember you
ever being afraid of heights because we did free Agents together,
and I don't remember he has a partner or so
I never had to do a highest challenge and free
agents because I got kicked off early. Remember Carmeria beat
me in an elimination episode three? Yeah, yeah, and then

they eliminate the highest challenges I did with Leroy. He
was barking at me like it motivated me to just
do it afraid. But yeah, I'm terrified a highst like
he's afraid too well over water. Yeah yeah, that's like
just two scary people together. Yeah. What was it like
coming back on I know that you have this like
new respect for it again, but also like the same

fears because you're doing the challenges again. Was it scary? So,
you know, was scary for me that I didn't expect
being filmed on camera looked at like, I'm so socially
awkward now, Whereas in my twenties I was very confident
and like it was natural for me to be on camera,
to just be my authentic self for better or worse.
This time around, I was like, I don't want to

be calculated. I want to be myself, but I am different,
and so I was just bouncing between like trying to
be silly and entertain entertaining uncomfortable. But I also really
like solitude. I like being alone a lot and being
in a house of thirty people all the time and
having these rules and stuff. It was a struggle for
me and I Also, a month before we went to film,

I had gotten notification that I was going to go.
But I always get seasonal depression around the end of summer.
That's just a thing for me because I'm like a
summer spring girl, and so I was in the height
of that when I said yes, and I'm like, I
don't know if I should even do this, like you know,
I mean for my mental health. I just was like,
I know, I'm mentally a mature wise I can do it,
but mentally I was like, I mean, I was crying

every day, Like I was just like, yeah, I feel
like yeah, And like right before those calls go back out,
you know, there's always that feeling of like, oh that
could be fun, even though you had tweeted that you
never wanted to come back, But as soon as you
say yes to it, it's like all those nerves like
resurface and you're like, oh my god, I'm gonna have
to deal with this kind of criticism or how am
I going to look doing this? Or I mean it

is hard not to mention obviously challenges and eliminations and
I mean this this daily challenge. You were in a
lead for a while there and then it got hard,
you know, talk to us about what went on, what
was going on in your mind that day. Okay, So
I have never had a board in I know, like

I know but okay. So I started asking everyone around me.
I'm like, have you had a boarder? Have you had
a border? And most of the guys were like no,
and the girls are like no. But I knew Kelly
I'm a strong ass. I was like asking her like,
how do you do this? Like what's the fundamentals? Give
me the like cheet code really quickly, and so going
into when we got to the line, I saw how
short the race was because I was obviously it was
very early on and people noticed that I had the

worst endurance. I was bathing in the house like I
but I was like, this is a sprint. I can
actually have the longer legs. I can beat you guys.
And Kelly gave me this like confidence, and I thought
the paddle boarding would be easy for me because I
was like, okay, I used to be an athlete. Shouldn't
be that hard. We're just going around this little bend

um Okay. So when we started the race, I get there,
I think after Ronnie, she is like a stallion. I
mean you could just tell by her body. Yes. But
I the first place I started scraping. I immediately get
the codes. I'm like, oh my god, the stars are
aligning like I'm about to, like now show these girls
and I'm not a total bum, And so I get

my paddle board unlocked. First I get to the water.
I mean, I'm e xooting confidence and I'm hoping that
like the guys are looking at me and thinking like
if we have to do partners later, but here I
am guys proving myself right And no, I mean almost
if you hit a circle, no, because I didn't know

because when you look at it and I'm like, oh,
she's doing okay, and you think it's editing, like maybe
that's showing that, but I'm like, I think she's just
made like a half turn at another half turn, but
I think she just made a circle. Just made a circle.
It was really hard and I felt I felt really hard,
like multiple times. I mean the bruise that I got

from it was so gnarly. And I remember asking the
boys later, I was like, is this because I'm like
really tall and I don't have a lot of like
balance and they're like, yeah, like you were never going
to be good at that unless you are a powder
border um. But also I was gassed even from trying
to like paddle the thing, and I remember production was
screaming at me because I kept getting on my knees
or like nya stand up. But I'm like, for what,

I'm already using this, Like let me just like have
my dignity and get on my knees a paddle? Did
Kelly and give you any like good strategy? Well it's
based on her small compact body. That is also a propos. No, No,
let me show you what works from my body. Let's
see if we could apply it to yours. It's so easy,

like I promise you're just gonna and I'm like, just
say you went and down on the much confidence You're like,
I'm gonna show you how I run circles. I thought
it was great for that episode. I mean, when you
look back on it, you can laugh at it. I'm
sure in the moment it was frustrating, and then it
becomes like kind of silly, like, well, fuck it, I'm
already I'm already here for sure, for sure obviously, like

you can't train for everything in the challenge because like
I mean, you just can't. But was there anything that
you specifically did train for before you got on the show.
These are last guys you can't see though, um no,
because I maybe kind of made a decision until a
month before. So I remember I got a boxing trainer,

and I had a really badass, like female trainer come
and see me a few days a week. But it
was like trying to put a band aid on a gushing,
out of shape room. So no, I wasn't gonna be sorry.
You're going to prepare for a challenge in five minutes,
and I just was delusional in thinking that I was
going to do that. Did you train it all while

you were there? I mean I went so I told
you I was really socially awkward, so I kind of
just hit in my room a lot. And when I
did train, it was like maybe twice a week, and
I would do it when the boys were in the gym,
just to show them, like, hey, guys in working out,
like choose me. Yeah, did we work out together? And
Zach used to be our trainer, but that was different

and he said I was like in shape and I
like to work out. Yeah, but I didn't like to
work out at all. Oh yes, I did. Wait does
that before I started training? It doesn't matter. We all
were working out in the house though, I remember, like
we all were just doing it, but we didn't do
it a lot. I think we did it out a boarder.
I think we only did it the first week. Yeah,
we did a great job on those two workouts though,
we did really well. Yeah, so cheer stuffs. Right, So

obviously you didn't get some workouts in, which is like
totally fine. But were there any like specific goals obviously,
like you said, you feel like you're a new person.
It's been a minute since you graced our screens. Like,
what was the goal stepping into this show? Honestly, my
goal was to not run away, like get there like
I had every this, I had this feeling in my

head that I was going to get there, I feel
like I'm not cut out for this and find a
reason to leave or to quit, or to just sabotage myself.
I just had a gut rinching feeling that I was
all about self sabotage that season because I hadn't defined
my why going into it, and trying to define that
when you get there is just silly, Like you need
to have that already established, and I wouldn't honestly have gone,

Like I've said this on other interviews, if Jordan's kind
of gone because I was just like, I'm so out
of my element. I haven't done this in so long.
I'm so far removed. I don't know if these people
even want me here. I don't know why they decided
to bring me back. I'm out of shape. I'm you know,
my personality is different. I really like kind of doing
my own thing. I like my freedom, and I am
very mindful that as it pertains to just like the

person I want to be is a daily choice. It's
not like I'm just a totally rejuvenated girl who's alls
in like I still have I'm slower to anger, but
I have to check myself. And so I didn't know
being in that environment was going to be conducive for that,
and so I didn't want to slide all the way back.
And I'm just like, okay, you know, like what am
I doing here? Um? Sorry, Tory, what be your question?

You don't have adhd no, no, no, no no, no, that
was right, And I and I think it is, you know,
just beautiful to say because obviously, you know you said
going into it, having Jordan there was really important for
you. You You guys had this like huge history that's taken
like a very public turn in a way, and I
mean from somebody as a viewer standpoint, it is beautiful
to watch that, to see two people who have been
through a lot and then yeah, you know, fine, fine,

hope and like loving each other. So I really am
happy for you guys, and thank you. I really have.
Like I can tell, I was a little, you know, nervous.
I was like, I don't know if n I knows
I hosted the podcast. I don't know if she's gonna
what this is gonna look like, you know, I really do.
I am happy for you guys, and I'm and he
seems like he's happy. You seem like you're happy, and
I think even you showing up like maybe that was

your why. Just showing up and showing who you are
today like that is a beautiful thing to do and
hard to do in this industry. Thank you. Yeah, because
I know that I've talked to I've talked to previous
cast members and people in public and in private, like
while on the show or like off camera about like
kind of moving away from who they were. I think
the audience at times expects us to be the same

people because it was entertaining back in two thousand and whatever,
but it is not where we are now and we
don't find it entertaining. Probably isn't entertaining for the times.
But these people that you know, one person in particular
who had such a rough time and was nervous to
come back because of how they were portrayed the first
time around, and that kind of like sticks with you.

So I know that it can be hard to come
on and it's like introducing a new person to like
all of these people, um and like really being authentically
you and then having this whole audience have this set
expectation that part you know, So it's it's a lot

to do. I don't think people realize how many things
you take on when you sign the contract. It's not
just at home. It's like, hey, you know, there's all
these other things I have been doing and working on. Yeah,
and if you haven't grown then I'd be like, Naia,
come on, so yeah, like it's been so many years,
there has to be some change, you know. So I

williaened you for coming coming on and doing your thing,
because I know it's it's not easy. Yeah, and you've
been doing so much with your life outside, right, Like
what what specifically do you do for work. Now, do
you work as a private jet chef? Yeah, so attendant,
but I do took on the airplanes on occasion, which

is fun because before I was doing this, I was
cook I was a nanny, I was a housekeeper, I
was an exact hoostison, I was a bartender, waitress, all
these hospitality jobs and I just loved it because I
didn't used to like to work. Like I remember one
of the things Jordan said about me on the real world.
He's like, you don't like to work, and I'm like, no,
And I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a lady

of leisure. I don't want to there was a certain
arrogance attached to it. Wasn't ure lady of leisure for me.
It was really I was just lazy and I didn't
have ambition, and so I tried to glamorize that. And
then I found my ambition in service and serving others,
and I really just was like, Okay, I want to

just do everything in this industry. And I would always
stumble into new jobs and new opportunities, and then five
years ago I found corporate Aviation, which was like encompass
everything that I've been doing in one job and I
get to see the world and need a lot of
cool people and get a lot of this food, and
it's like, thank god, it's the only job in my life.
I've never been fired from before. Wait, how long have

you been doing it? Almost six years? And at how
often do you take off? Oh, I'm gone? So like
I am. I'm a contractor, so I basically just wait
for someone to call me and say, hey, would you
like this trip or whatever. So I'm usually going like
twenty days a month, maybe more. It's so fun, see
you fucking later people. And then I have the best

dogs tendling Kylie. I was just well, like they have.
I have a husband and wife that watched them, and
then I have like two backups. But they have a
gated yard, they work from home. They spoiled them, like
even when I picked them up. You can tell my
dogs are like not really happy about coming back to
my apartment in downtown like my mom for real. But

I'm just like, yeah, but those are like the grandparents, yes,
and they're always like, okay, so when's your next trip.
We were ready for the girls to come back. I'm like,
I just love knowing that I have someone that loves
my dabies as much as I do, so I can
travel and be gone and do you know, do what
I need to do. So that's all I need when
I get a dog, because this lady came over and
she had a puppy Frenchie and it felt it was

just nestled right here, and I'm like, oh, this is
what I need to do. Yeah, I need to be
a therapist and I need a doll. Yeah, just so
much shit, Tori, when you take care of my pet. Yes, okay,
so wait, let me say one more thing, Tori. Yeah,
most people don't know this, so like, yeah, I've been

doing this job for almost six years, but when I
actually actively started pursuing a career in corporate aviation, nobody
would hire me for a year and a half because
of what I did on the challenge in the real world,
and I never thought the consequences would come back. And
that's the one thing I want people to know from this.
It's even if you never go on TV, everything you
say in a text, everything you say you say on

social media, everything you do like you just be mindful
of it and know that once it's outside of your mouth,
it can find you again. And people will judge you.
I was. This was six or seven years later and
people were still like, Nope, that's who you are. And
especially as a black woman, it was like I had
to fight and dig and prove myself and once I
got in, I had to outperform. And I'm not a victim.

I'm glad that that happened to me, because it humbled me.
I've been given so many things in life based on
how I loved, you know, and I just never had
to work for anything. And I just thank god that
everything transpired the way it did because now I have
some wisdom to offer as opposed to like, oh, yeah,
I just got this job because you know, you know
what I mean. So I just I'm thankful. And it's

amazing because you know, from people who now watch you,
and people who watch All Stars are fans of like
the old Real World, you know, like they know all
the cast members who were on it, so to watch
this just transformation just so naturally happened. And then it's
honestly helped you a lot in the game. With how
you're playing this season two, You're you're like in this
perfect spot of like not floating, but in a way

you kind of want to be in between alliances. Yeah,
which is amazing because it's like you don't necessarily have
it for the treehouse, but you're like not against Kelly
and you're like being nice everybody. Do you think that
Do you think that number one working in aviation has
helped you in this game because you talk to so
many different types of people? Yeah? And then yes, and

because I have to check my emotions at the door, yeah,
And so it's not about like my show up to work.
It's like I'm going to be dealing with all types
of pressure, random things, wearing a million hats. I have
to give service with a smile. But it's more so
about checking my emotions. Like I could say something, I
could feel a way about a client being demanding, but

at the end of the day, like what's going to
get me the better outcome, like being rooted in emotion
and acting on that or saying, Okay, how can I
find a solution to this situation? And also I don't
need to feed my ego while doing it, and therapy

I love because I would not be where I'm at
right now either, just like my thought process without it.
So please guys shout out to therapy and go through
and everybody should talk to someone your therapists like, just
take your time to go through multiple people and find
your person. And I'm telling you a game changer. I agree.
I think that's amazing. I really do think. I think

this is and I also, well, one thing I like
is you don't really make promises. I don't think really
at all. It's it's a game I like to play.
If you don't make any promise, you can't break any
and then you kind of like use the game like
you would normally, Like I guess, attack a situation at home,
and how would I finesse this situation if I were home? Yeah,

like nothing really changes, So I like that. I don't know.
It's it's been really nice to see different people come
into All Stars that haven't played a while, with people
who have played the last two All Stars. Yeah, to
see how like things are going, because All Stars is
very different, I think from the flagship show. But it
also is becoming this in and of itself. That's like

it's getting spicy, you know. And he said, that's how
you avoid like bad karma. It's not making any promises.
That's how I am with men. But like fun, don't
fall in love. I just want to write getting my freedom,
like I'm gonna help you as much love as I
can give you, but don't fight for me. And you
do that and I walk away. It's not on me,

like I'm not gonna make it. You know what I mean? No, here,
you already plaid the foundation of Hello. I thought we
were just doing this. We had clear lines of communication.
Come on over, this is drink and have some food sometimes.
But you gotta go because I really loved being alone.
I don't like when people are here when I wake up,
Like after that, you gotta go. You can get some

I gotta I'm gonna gotta go like you. But yeah,
but I like I like my coffee, my poop. You
gotta eat Jesus at eight am. You gotta go. What
you act like you on poop to you in bag ofcale.
I know I do take dungs. I do, Yeah, they're
not great. Well, to go back to that, I'm sure

any guy that you make breakfast for is absolutely fucking
loving it. And if I ever woke up next to
you and you mean to be breakfast, I would I
would not take a dong in your bathroom. I wating
for lunch. No, I had intense tory. So you're totally
well perfect excellent. So this game, we had talked about

it a little bit, is getting obviously super super spicy.
This episode's interesting because you see this little exchange, or
you're part of this little exchange. You hear Sylvia say
something after Kelly Anne starts to celebrate this win, and
then you tell Kelly Anne, right, I'm assuming it came
from you, and then you get called down by Sylvia
to go into elimination. Did you think that the spilling

of that information led up to you being her decision? No?
No at all. Um, here's the thing. I peeped early
on that the Treehouse was banding together, and I just
never realized that, like, okay, maybe like rooms will click
up so hard that they come up with a nickname
and they're really gunning for us out loud, because we

never did that, Like we just were kind of like, hey,
we're getting to know each other. We're not making promises,
but there was this understanding that we're not going for
each other. But they made it that way because they
were like, oh, we're banned together. And I started hearing
like little side comments here and there. But I just
was trying to stay out of the drama um for
the most part. But I just I never could understand

where what the motive was, Like why was there a
target on kelly An's back? Why was there a target
on Kendle's back. I could understand a target on Johnny
back because she just won. That's a healthy target, right,
But like, I just couldn't understand what Kelly An what
it was about. But it wasn't about her her in
the game. It was like bothered by her existence. And

I mean Sylvia almost said that, She's like, I don't
know what it is about her. And I've been one
of those girls in life where women have said that
about me. They're like, I don't know what it is
about her. I just don't mind her into me. That's
such a lame cop out because it's like, I don't
have that kind of energy towards women. I don't have
jealous or competitive like nature as it pertains to women.
It's like, if you have something that I like, or

there's you have a genas choa or whatever, I'm gonna
hang around you and get to know you and whatever.
And I think that Kelly Anne was very confident, she
was very social. She's really easy to look at. I mean,
she's so like a nice body, you know. But I
just like, there was just so many times where it
was like I would hear them, like she could just breathe,
and it was like, oh, and to me, that's so

lame at our age, like come on, y'all, Like there
has to be more of a justified reason to just
not like somebody, and it really I couldn't find one.
I never heard one. So I just was kind of
like shocked that Sylvia decided to be that person in
the house because also I thought she and I were cool,

but then I learned later that maybe that wasn't the case,
so whatever. Um, Yeah, we just had Sylvia on and
I was talking to her about like, sometimes we just
don't like people because we don't like them, and it's
okay not to like them. I don't know how to fight.
I mean, there are people that have rubbed me the
wrong way on the show where I'm like, I don't know,
I get that, really don't know what it is, but
everything I'm like, I just can't fuck with this girl, Okay,

So I won't be around them exactly. So you remove yourself.
You just limit your time around that person, but yeahs
agonized or pick at them or bully them or do
mean comments where you know they're hearing you, And then
you have other girls that are that to me is unnecessary.
I don't like happy people in the house, but I'm
not going to like I just remove myself from you know.
I go and take the hot level bath and I
like have my babe and I cry about how batters

play at home with my dogs, like, and then I
go back out there and I'm kind and decent and
then when I find my space, I find my space.
But to just latantly be like rolling your eyes, snickering,
laugh and giggling behind people's backs. To me, you know,
we're all grown as women now, and it's like I
just don't get, like why it has to be that way,
you know what it makes me think? And not that

I don't think anyone's not grown on the show, but
there's obviously different decades of people coming on the show,
like the Kelly An era, which is different than the
Kayla and Sylvia era, so you think that it has
something to do with that. So I really didn't watch
the show unless I was on it, So I don't
know the history of like how this game was played
or how the women interacted. I honestly, I wish I

could give you some type of insight into that, but I, Torrea,
I can't. Yeah, but I just think that I had
conversations with Sylvia, like personal conversations about her life and
things that I'm just not going to repeat because she
told me that, like, you know, poured her heart out
and was being vulnerable. Yeah, but I think that it's
more of an internal thing. And I used to be

a mean girl, so this is me coming from a
position of experience, so I'm not condemning her. I just
was like, no, no, no, like, don't beat don't do that,
don't be that, because you know, I just I saw
so much good in Sylvia for real, Like me and
her had like we didn't talk all the time, but
when we did, it was I felt like it was

genuine at least I thought, And you know, I just
expected more from us collectively. Oh yeah, I guess I
would be disappointed that she'd call you in to elimination,
But do you think so expected you to fail? So
the first night in the house, we were all drunk.
We just moved in. We were having a pool party.

I needed my time alone, so I kind of like
tried to go find the upstairs pool. We had a
nice upstairs pool, so I was like, I want to
skinny up while everybody else in the house was downstairs.
I'm gonna just like let my hair down. I've been
having a lot of drinks. Kelly, um, Sylvia and Kayla
are in that upstairs pool, and so they basically come
to me and they say, Naya, we want to form
an alliance. I forgot that was even part of the game.

So I'm like, okay, it was. I'm on vacation. Yeah, girl,
I like and sound like, literally I'm drunk. I'm probably
cross that. I'm like, yeah, of course, these are the
first one that come to me. So but at the
same time, I learned quickly that they were two of
the best players in the house. I'm like, oh, how
sweet is that? Like they've already put me, you know,

in their back pocket, and I've got them in my
back pocket. It was an unspoken thing. I just automatically assumed,
under no circumstances, because they came to me first, that
they would never call my name, and I would never
call their name or never encouraging I want to call
the name, like I just would stay out of the
way why things were happening. And so when Sylvia called
my name, it blindsided me. Like, I know, it looks
like in the video that I was like scared or nervous.

I really wasn't. I just was more focused and like
kind of just awkward. But when she said my name,
I was like, what I mean, I was wearing pants,
I didn't even like I had like no idea, my
hair was down. I didn't think I was getting called,
did you? And so yeah, go ahead? Sorry, No, I'm sorry, babe. No.
Well after that first Drunken Alliance encounter, did you guys

talk about it? After that, we revisited it and we
had conversations about who they were voting for, and they would,
you know, I would say, well, you know, and I
just all we would check in, you know what I mean,
Like they'd be like, hey, you know, are we good?
Are we good? And they always would make me feel safe.
But I was never winning, so it wasn't like they
had to check in with me. Um. So yeah, but

I just don't I would have liked the heads up.
I would have loved if Sylvia said you may go in,
but also that she didn't because I think that that
bennefited me, just being like fight or flight, go in
there and do what you need to do. Also, it
could have changed because she didn't see it. Sylvia didn't
see the elimination. I think she would want to see

that first, because it was wrestling or something like that.
I would have been like, Sis, Gibby, who's what is
everybody way up there? Okay, I don't know. If I
don't know, if I can say this, you can say it,
um Okay. So Sylvia told me, or I think after
she left, some of the people, some of the guys
in the house told me that when we were standing
a line going into the dome. Uh John Ay was

kind of in the front, and she saw what it
was and apparently it looked like a puzzle that she
had done before. So she kind of verbalized, how loud,
I've done this before, and Sylvia heard, I think it's sneaky,
little sister. It was very smart. Yeah, So I think
that was the only reason. Yeah, right, And also i'd

be terrible, Yeah, you don't want I think it's I
think it's the confidence going into a puzzle because you
you do have to remain calm, which is what I
thought was actually going to be like ended up being
your strength. I thought it could have potentially been a weakness,
just because when you go in so fired up, it's
hard to like slow down and think. But it's like
you just like were your fire like locked you in.

It was like, which is really cool. And also I
noticed like when people do puzzles and you have people
yelling for you in the back, like Jordan's obviously screaming
for you. He really wants you to win. Yeah, and
you're trying to focus on this puzzle. Did you feel
like it was helpful to have somebody cheering you on
in that moment or do you feel like it was?
And so here's the thing. I was so angry once
I got down there, and once we learned that it

was a puzzle, because we didn't know what that was.
By the time we even got started, I had already
because we had a chance to look at our boards,
I had already figured out halfway I'm like, I'm beating her.
So I was that angry, but I also was like, please, Jordan,
he knows me. I'm like, if I get frantic. Just
you don't have to even tell me what to do,
because I'm gonna figure this out on my own. But
let me hear your voice. I need to know, Like,

I just got to hear your voice. And so once
I got to the middle and I really started getting flustered,
He's like, you got it, you got it, you got it, okay. Um,
And that was just nice because I remember in like
Free Agents, like nobody was cheering for me while I
was gonna get star. Remember I would have been cheering.
You were also so far away. You were on the

other side of the there was nobody. Everybody cheering was
on cars right here. That's true. That one was so long.
Oh yeah, um, but yeah, I it was nice to
have somebody, you know. I didn't expect anyone to say
anything because like I was silent most of the time

when I was on the bridge. It's one of those
things where it's like you you're scared to like cheer
too hard because if that person comes back, they're like, oh, yeah,
I heard you. And then also you're just so laser
focused on watching like the competition. Um. But yeah. The
one thing is I am a decent pool player, and
so I knew if I get out of this first,
I'm getting it on the first shot. I don't give

a fuck, Like I knew. I feel like maybe you
should be like doing aviation pool League, possibly, like maybe
running a couple bets in the sky legally. Are there
laws out there who want to do girl, we just started.

You heard it here first, Um listen, patent pending. Don't
try and take it. We've already already doing the paperwork
right now. I bet it felt so good for you
for that ball to go in on the first one
the home It was so good. I also loved how
the girls heat that happened to the girls eating, not
the guys that Derek ran in front of the opening.

I'm like I would have at least even a sand out. Yeah,
it an your ship was so good because if you
want to beat somebody, that's the way you beat them,
not if it's close. You fucking pollen one, see you later.
And then that huge celebration, I mean you had like
a nice like whoa you gave me like that like

solid reaction and then she was like yeah, but like
it was like it it was like in a portion
of time, Darius was like you could see that he
was celebrating beyond I mean yeah, and it's a puzzle
to be fair, like the guy's not deserve. Yeah, Derek
deserved to celebrate like that for sure. He was like
it was amaze. I'm like either way. Yeah, so now

in this game, you have one elimination under your belt,
you have a star. What changes now going back into
the game. How do you feel? I mean, nothing really
changed for me because that was the bill, just like, Okay,
I have this one star, but I haven't performed well
this entire challenge, so it really didn't mean that much
to me. Maybe if I had earned like two or three.
But Johnny is the one that has them, I think

the most of them at this point in the game.
Um No, I still felt like I had so much
to prove and that wasn't a physical thing, which is
what everybody expects me to do is to dominate the
physical stuff. So we're getting down to the wire and
I'm like, okay, now you got to step up, like
you need to win an actual challenge, Like fuck this
like elimination, Like it was cute, but like I need
to like do more. Yeah, I think a season's going

to be the rest of the season's going to be incredible.
It's actually my favorite All Stars that we've I've said
this before, aside from Anissa's because you know, I gotta
like love a Nisaea and we did the first one,
but no, this one's spice. I mean, I would like
to be part of any of them. I think All
Stars is a whole different a whole different vibe. And
I love my old folks from back when I started

because I kind of transcended these different generations. So it's
really nice to see people part of yeah, part of
my life, part of my history. Yeah, part of why
I am the way I am, Yes, because I've had
to deal with all of them, all these different personalities
for twenty years. Yeah. Only know. Well, I hope there's
an All Stars four, and if there is, I hope

to see you Anissa Tori. I know I probably won't
because you dominate on the regular one, but I would
like to see you in real life. So if you're
ever in la from seeing yeah, I'll bring me so well,
oh my gosh, there would be a big fight. It
would be I know. No, so my dogs are terrified
a cat, so they would just respect boundaries. Um, but

if you're ever here like in La either of you
and you need to place a crash. I live downtown,
have a keyte place like, I'm hardly never here, so
I'll just leave you a key, but that for real,
I also want you to be there for it, so yeah,
or just leave leave the pets. Yeah, thank you so
much for coming on the podcast and also for being
on All Stars three. We have one last question that

we ask everybody. Yea, since this is All Stars three
and you had to make a team up of three
other competitors, who would you pick? Guy or girl? Yeah, guys,
one girl and a guy. Two guys. You're making a
team of four, okay, two guys. Okay, So I would say,
I mean, I'd be dumb not to choose her right now. John, Ay,

I mean, she's proven that she's just fears on all
levels and the guys for sure, hands down West and Jordan. Yeah,
that's a team right there, that's a squad. It is. Yeah,
it's a demmination. I cannot wait to see. I mean,
all the people that you just named are still in
the game. I cannot wait. It's it's literally the best

season ever. So yeah, thank you again for coming on
it's been awesome. Thank you for inviting me. Seriously, ladies,
what's your Instagram handle so everyone can follow you and
send you a lot of love. Oh yeah, it's really easy.
They're real Niam Moore's and I am more. Oh. I
thought it would be like Nia in the sky, I
follow you so yeah, so awesome. Well, thank you so much. Nia.

It's gonna thank you, radies. I love you, Take care
you two. It was great seeing guys. That was a
great interview with Nia. She gave me everything I needed
to know. It's so wonderful to see the growth of

this woman. Um, I think it's really nice to see
any of the of our former cast members just really
show this amazing growth and self awareness. So it's really
nice to have her back on. Watch her not addle
board correctly, but you know what, Nia, girl, you have
time and we have faith, and you know what, it
was also really nice talking to her. I was nervous, Anisa,
you know this. I was nervous for this episode because

it is interesting. It's an interesting conversation to have, right
It's like I'm watching a new relationship, old relationship but
you know, evolve in front of my eyes, and I'm like,
but I am happy for them, and I'm happy for her,
and I think that she is a really really open
and honest and nice person to speak to. And I
was actually really pleasantly surprised with how well this podcast

episode went. Yeah, it was very refreshing. I liked watching it,
So shout out to Naya for making what could have
been a very awkward situation super comfortable. That was really
really cool of her and Anissa. I also love you,
so where can we follow you on social media and
send you love? You can follow me on Instagram and
Anissa MTV. That's a n s a MTV. You can

also send me listener questions please and thank you. Tory,
where can we find you? Follow you? Are you? I've
changed my Instagram handle to I Love Quiffs, so you
can follow me there and then you can all I'm
just getting disgusting. It is so gross my Instagram I

hate you. My instagram is at I hate you so much,
And you can follow me at Tori Underscore and you
can follow me at Tori Underscore Deal and more importantly, guys,
please rate and review us on Spotify or Apple podcast
wherever you listen to us, because he means the world
to us and telephrone, and make sure you're catching new

episodes of All Stars three on Paramount Plus. And we'll
see you back here next Thursday for an all new
episode of MTV's official Challenge podcast,
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